Friday, November 13, 2009

Catch Up Post

I have so much to post and I'm very late getting it done.  So, sit back and grab a snack because this one could be long!

In October, we went to Tate Farms with the Rowes.  We had a blast!  The weather could have been a little better, but we made the best of it.

Jackson on the tractor.


Riding with Daddy on the corn train

On the hayride with Lawson (who was enoying some Laffy Taffy!)

Checking out the fire truck

For Halloween, Jackson was Woody from Toy Story.  He was all about that movie when I bought the costume, but then moved quickly to the Lion King and now Ice Age.  So, he wasn't all that into being Woody.

He refused to wear the hat and he didn't really like his bucket either, but I managed to get one picture with it.

His second sucker of the afternoon.

There's Woody with his pal Raggedy Ann (she'd lost her wig already, but she was too cute!)

On Veteran's Day, Jackson got to do one of his favorite things.  Play in the puddles!  It had poured on Tuesday so we had great puddles for jumping.

I had to tie a bandana around his ears.  The wind was blowing and he didn't want to wear a hat.

Lookin' like Aunt Jamima with his Frog boots

The four-wheeler MUST be pushed in the water

...then ridden in it.

Soaking wet and totally loving it!

We had to go in soon after this.  It was getting a little chilly outside and Jackson had to go down for his nap.  He wasn't very happy!

Tomorrow, my baby turns 2!  Where has the time gone?  He's talking in sentences and understanding and learning so much.  Before I know it, he'll be driving.  I'm a little sad, but excited about his party.  I'm decorating his cake this year.  I'll let you know how it goes!

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