Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weekend Fun

Jackson was so excited this weekend that it was warm enough for him to finally play outside for an extended period (He isn't content with 30 minutes, then back inside to warm up). We played with his Tonka trucks, dug in the dirt and most importantly, rode the four-wheeler. I am with Kristi on this one. It scares me to death! Here's some pictures of our cool dude!


Anna said...

I love the sunglasses. It won't be too long before he can be outside a long time in shorts and a t-shirts, and swimming in Granny's swimming pool.

Makenzi said...

What a little hod rod!

Makenzi said...

whoops, I meant HOT ROD:)

Krowe said...

look at that face!!
Did you know he could say my name...I have come to this conclusion because I have heard it more than once...it sounds like sissy but thru that passy I am sure it is Kristi!!